Monday, March 19, 2012

OneNote Picture and Text



BCU has a bicycle loan program! Get out in the fresh air on a bicycle’ Contad Sarah Hummelgard for details.

Recyle Those Dead Household Use Batteries

Drop off points for household dead battery recyling:

Library (Deb Robertson)

Printshop (Bobbie Swanson)

Bookstore (Nancy Watson)

Flanagan (Kathy Myres)

Heelan l Floor Copy Room (Rita Combs)

IT Center (Janet Wolfe)

Alverno Ground Floor (Nancy McGuire)

Alverno Residence Hall 117 (Sarah Hummelgard)

ToIler Residence Hall 151 (John Guetter)

Baxter Residence Hall 300 (John Guetter)

Noonan Residence Hall G4 (Tracy Barcus)

Please join us in caring for the earth!

Attention Seniors!

Here is the 2012 Commencement Checklist. http:l/ aIumn &iends press reease/20 11/2012/030112asp